Animal beads look so cute, isn't it? Howcome not try creating little of them? Creating pet beads with polymer clay is so simple and good that you will just like it! It's very easy to mold polymer clay just by pressing and giving shape with hands. So, practically you can make any kind of pet bead with howsoever complex structure. Subsequent to all, not all animals are straight lines and circles! However, whether you wonder how perfectly shall you be can mold the clay to release a thorough shape to your pet bead, you own other choice too- you can use a press mold to release shape of an pet to your bead. How to Make Pet Bead with Press MoldGet some soft polymer clay, pet shaped clay molds you will locate them in any crafts store, bead reamer tool, piece of cardboard, baking tray, varnish, paint. Now you can be ready to make pet beads with your polymer clay.
If your polymer clay is hard, take a mini portion of it and make it soft softening of clay is called conditioning the clay. To soften polymer clay rub it within hands. The warmth of hands and little stretching and working together with the clay shall make it soft enough to location it within the mold for giving desirable pet shape. If you need a lone color pet bead, place the clay into the pet shaped mold. However, whether you need multiple colored pet beads, you own to combine compulsory many colorful clay prior to putting it into the mold.
Now press the clay firmly into the mold. Take like not to press so hard that the bottom gets flattened. Fill up the mold until the clay gets even at the top edges and flat all the method across. Now, turn the mold over and slowly bend the rubber to release the pet shaped clay. Whether you look any rough edges, smooth them with fingers.
With the help of a bead reamer tool or a thin piece of wire, drill a hole through your pet bead shape. If the beads are too soft to make a hole, location them on a piece of wax cardboard and place them within the refrigerator for about 10 minutes. After creating hole, place your pet beads on a piece of cardboard on the baking tray and set your oven. To have knowledge of at what heat and for how many time you own to fry your beads, confirm the product of polymer clay as each brand of clay is different. Make sure that that the room is well ventilated.
When you finish with baking, let your pet beads cold completely. Once the beads have cooled down, release your decision of finishing to them. You can varnish, paint or glaze them. You can even use a fine-grain sandpaper to release some texture to your pet beads.
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