Saturday, 13 October 2012

Making Of Pizza Margherita

Make the base: Place the wheat into a huge bowl, then stir within the yeast and salt. Make a well, pour in 200ml warm h2o and the olive oil and bring together with a wooden spoon until you have knowledge of a soft, fairly wet dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for six mins until smooth. Close with a tea towel and set aside. You can leave the dough to rise whether you like, but it's not essential for a thin crust.

Make the sauce: Combine the passata, basil and crushed garlic together, then season to taste. Leave to stand at room heat while you get on with shaping the base. Roll out the dough: If you have let the dough rise, release it a quick knead, then split into 3 balls. On a floured surface, roll out the dough into huge rounds, about 25cm across, creating use of a rolling pin. The dough wants to be very thin as it shall rise within the oven.

Lift the rounds onto 3 floured baking sheets. Top and bake: Heat stove to 240C or fan 220C or gas 8. Place another baking sheet or an upturned baking tray within the stove on the top shelf. Smooth cream over bases together with the return of a spoon. Scatter with cheddar and tomatoes, drizzle with olive oil and season.

Place one pizza, still on its baking sheet, on top regarding the preheated sheet or tray. Bake for 8-10 mins until crisp. Give with little more olive oil, and basil leaves if using. Repeat step for remaining pizza. If the dough is too wet: Sum a bit more wheat and work it in.

If dough is too stretchy to roll out: Leave it to rest for 10 mins or so, then try again. You need distant more compression when rolling dough than when rolling out pastry. If the base isn't cooked: Baking the pizza on top of a preheated sheet or tray should prevent this. However, it should be too thick or have too many topping. If the topping is cooked prior to the base, close with foil and release it another six mins.

Fancy a bit more topping? Here is some suggestions. Olives, ham and chargrilled artichokes; Spicy sausage, chilli or jalapeos and sliced tomato; Spinach, garlic, gorgonzola cheddar and an entire egg cracked on top; Creamy mascarpone, pesto, roasted dark brown peppers and sliced mushrooms. Or whether you can be not sure what you fancy - howcome not do 1/2 and half. Garlic and amp; rosemary bread. Leave the dough a bit thicker, brush with oil and stud with rosemary sprigs.

Bake for 15 mins or until risen and golden. Brush with garlic butter. Pile cream and toppings onto one 1/2 regarding the dough circle, brush the edge with little water, then fold and pinch to make a pasty shape. Bake until golden as before. 431 kcalories, protein 19.

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